Roses and Life in Grasse (catching up in 2021)

7 JUNE 2021

Following  3 years of being completely immersed in developing the 1000 Flowers boutique atelier in the old city of Grasse, during which time I had put this blog on hold- I am now feeling inspired to return to continue reporting on this crazy adventure that began in 2007, and continues to this day,  so many years later. 

The boutique has been a successful venture overall, and a good step in brand development.  I officially opened the doors on November 4th, 2017, after some fairly monumental renovations to the floor, which turned out to have quite large holes that had been patched with regular plaster, and then covered with a floating subfloor, and the whole thing literally moved in waves once the previous tenant’s heavy display cases were removed.  And considering that the building is ancient, and there are subterranean vaulted cellars under the boutique, it seemed prudent to do these repairs properly.

Since then, we traversed 2 full summers filled with visitors from all corners of the globe, ( so amazing to meet you all!), and 2 rather dismal winters, where Grasse empties of visitors, and the shop really becomes the workshop atelier, and online sales become the main focus.    Then the Covid struck.  But more about that later…

Just prior to opening the boutique, there was quite an exciting experience of being featured in the New York Times.  The author had contacted me to take part, and as an English speaking local, I was able to guide her in navigating the rather inpenetrable world of Grasse perfumery culture, as well as bringing her photographer to visit the rose fields of my friends, François et Héléna OULMONT, to film the harvesting of the centifolia and damask roses on what turned out to be the last day of the season.   This farm was also my supplier for the beautiful damask rose water that I used to sell.   Since then, the farm has sold to Lancome, and so we can no longer offer this amazing product.   But then again, nothing is forever….